Committee for Territorial Integration between the Capital District and its neighboring municipalities
Regional Development
We lead development strategies for Bogotá as well as for the 59 municipalities in Cundinamarca
We help build a collective vision about the region's opportunities and potential in order to facilitate the management of public and private stakeholders.
Therefore, from the CCB we lead strategies based on the articulation and movement of public and private partners, project and resource management, and knowledge building. We promote programs aimed at developing competitiveness and regional integration, and we work to strengthen the network of Chambers of Commerce in the country's Center-South Region, and to contribute to the competitiveness of its areas of influence.
The CCB works in the articulation of public and private stakeholders and in project management to promote regional integration and development in Cundinamarca. To this end, it works on three main axis: a stronger presence by the CCB in the region; management of regional competitiveness initiatives and projects; and support for regional integration processes.
1 Programs and services offered by the CCB We strengthen our presence in the Bogotá-Cundinamarca region
We bring the CCB's programs and services to the municipalities in our area of influence, in order to promote the level of competitiveness and improve the business environment in the region. The action fronts that the CCB works directly on are:
- Services for the registration and establishment of commercial companies and non-for-profit organizations; registration of proponents wishing to provide their services to the State, National Tourism Registry and other registries managed by the CCB. These services are offered through our regional sites and venues in Cazucá, Fusagasugá and Zipaquirá, and through the Mobile Chamber, a traveling scheme for the provision of services.
- Support for enterprise creation and growth: the CCB has a novel model of enterprise services, supporting the creation of new companies, the formalization of informal productive units, and the strengthening of companies that are currently operational in the market.
- Programs for the improvement of the business environment: in the region, the CCB provides assistance to municipalities in the definition and adjustment of Zoning Plans, urban and security management projects, and in the establishment of economic and social observatories.
- Promotion of peaceful coexistence: to contribute in the resolution of conflicts and disputes, the CCB conducts school and community reconciliation sessions in the regions.
- Corporate environmental management and cleaner production: the CCB undertakes environmental management programs in several municipalities in Cundinamarca.
2 Discussion spaces on competitiveness We articulate public, private and academic stakeholders in joint construction processes
We are part of the Regional Competitiveness Commission (CRC) for Bogotá and Cundinamarca, a body responsible for articulating public and private stakeholders for the definition of programs and projects that contribute to the region's economic and social development. As members of the CRC we coordinate the Regional Integration Table and foster the conformation and strengthening of the Provincial Competitiveness Tables.
In 2010, the Regional Competitiveness Commission delivered the 2010 - 2019 Regional Plan which defines three key strategic axes:
- Transverse strategic axis: directed towards the development of projects related to the region's internationalization, development of infrastructure and connectivity, and the management of human capital and innovation projects, and actions for environmental sustainability.
- Sectorial strategic axis: it is aimed at the development of projects to support productive transformation and cluster development.
- Sub-regional strategic axis: focusing on promoting the incorporation of the municipalities and provinces in Cundinamarca into the process to manage regional competitiveness. Enter to the Regional Competitiveness Plan
Regional Integration Table
It was created with the intent of strengthening the communication between the commission's subject matter tables and the Provincial Competitiveness Tables, promoting the articulation between the sub-regions into the regional projects and initiatives, consolidating regional integration processes and generating greater synergies among stakeholders. This subject matter table includes participation from:
- The secretaries of Economic Development and Planning at the Bogotá City Hall.
- The Cundinamarca Regional Government, through the secretaries of Competitiveness and Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation; and Regional Integration.
- Fenalco Bogotá.
- Universidad Minuto de Dios (Uniminuto).
- The Bogotá, Facatativá and Girardot Chambers of Commerce.
Provincial Competitiveness Tables
In the context of the sub-regional strategic axis, the Cundinamarca Regional Government and the CCB have promoted the creation and start-up of the Competitiveness Tables in some of the department's provinces as scenarios where public-private coordination and agreements can be reached, at a sub-regional scale, in order to identify and manage projects that may impact the provinces transcending the municipal level in order to have an effect of the competitiveness of the whole region.
Furthermore, in the past four years Competitiveness Plans were formulated for the fifteen (15) provinces in Cundinamarca, with co-financing from the Cundinamarca Regional Government and the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, with the identification of transverse and sectorial projects with the potential to bring significant development to the provinces. Said plans were then used as inputs to direct the work by the Provincial Competitiveness Tables.
3 Regional Projects Through different strategic projects, we translate the pathway towards regional competitiveness into specific, concrete actions
We formulate and manage strategic projects to foster Cundinamarca's and its provinces' (sub-regions) productivity and competitiveness, articulated with the projects generated by the Regional Competitiveness Commission. As a result of the work done by the Provincial Competitiveness Tables and the articulation processes being promoted at a sub-regional level within Cundinamarca, projects and initiatives are proposed and managed, aimed at improving the competitiveness conditions in the business environment, as well as to increase the productivity of its territories.
4 Regional integration processes We promote initiatives that integrate Bogotá with Cundinamarca, and the department with other regions
We accompany and support the construction of shared visions and common agendas between Bogotá, territorial authorities and partner institutions, providing support for initiatives such as the Central Region RAPE, as well as the creation and establishment of the Territorial Integration Committee, comprised by Bogotá and the neighboring municipalities in the Sabana de Bogotá. Regional integration is a priority to revamp the territories' competitive advantages as well as to manage projects that will contribute to their economic development, well-being and prosperity, where the territorial bodies are able to articulate their desires, resources and talents. In this field, we support to especially important processes:
- Central Region RAPE: The Administrative and Special Planning Region (RAPE, in Spanish) is an integration process between the departments of Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Meta, Tolima and Boyacá. The Central Region RAPE was formally created on September 25th, 2014, through an agreement signed between the governors of these territorial bodies. The five strategic axes of the Central Region RAPE are:
- Sustainability of the ecosystem and risk management.
- Transport, logistics and public utility infrastructures.
- Competitiveness and international projection.
- Food safety and rural economy.
- Governance and good government
- Territorial Integration Committee (CIT): as a space for dialogue, agreement and joint work between Bogotá and the municipalities in Cundinamarca's neighboring regions, the CCB supports the establishment of the CIT, whose main goal is to achieve a better governance in the Sabana de Bogotá region and to promote its sustainable development, based on the harmonization of its planning instruments and the management of its zoning plan. Through the CIT, the CCB purports to consolidate solutions to problems related to the use of land, public utilities, mobility, infrastructure, connectivity, environmental management and climate change, among others.
- Central Region RAPE: The Administrative and Special Planning Region (RAPE, in Spanish) is an integration process between the departments of Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Meta, Tolima and Boyacá. The Central Region RAPE was formally created on September 25th, 2014, through an agreement signed between the governors of these territorial bodies. The five strategic axes of the Central Region RAPE are:
5 Regional initiatives We bring different institutions in the region closer together, contributing solutions aimed towards fostering entrepreneurship and enterprise activities
We hold events such as the enterprise services trade shows in the different provinces, specialized sector forums and workshops on entrepreneurial and innovative culture with youngsters in order to share knowledge, exchange experiences and develop collaborative construction processes.
- Enterprise Service Trade shows: These events are carried out in alignment with the Regional Management strategy followed by the CCB, and serve as a venue to showcase the services provided by the different partner institutions as a means to promote entrepreneurship, the creation of companies, and corporate strengthening. During 2014, these trade shows were held in the provinces of Ubaté, Sumapaz and Sabana Centro, and showcased over 70 services including, among others, workshops, conferences, assistance and personalized orientation in areas such as early entrepreneurship, training, the creation of companies, financing and corporate strengthening.
Some results worth noting:
Province of Ubaté, in the municipality of Ubaté: A total of 1.817 attendants, 23 workshops and assistance sessions held, 3 early entrepreneurship workshops, an enterprise showcase with 8 companies from the region, 33 new registrations and 10 renewals, 57 enrollments and 50 updates of RUTs. Visit our photo gallery .
Province of Sumapaz, in the municipality of Fusagasugá: A total of 3.321 attendants, 23 services rendered, 2 early entrepreneurship workshops, 24 companies in the enterprise showcase, 64 new registrations and 15 renewals, 47 conciliation hearings. Visit our photo gallery .
Province of Sabana Centro, in the municipality of Zipaquirá: A total of 1.771 attendants, 24 services rendered, 4 early entrepreneurship workshops, 28 companies participated in our enterprise showcase, 112 registrations and RUT updates (DIAN), 140 conciliation hearings, 10 cases for Mipyme Arbitration, 42 legal orientation cases (C.A.C.) and a business round for the dairy sector. Visit our photo gallery .
In order to organize the Enterprise Services Trade shows in the provinces, the CCB receives active support and participation from over 30 institutions that promote and support enterprise development, such as Bancóldex, CAR, DIAN, SENA, SIC, the municipal governments, universities, among others, which provide orientation, facilitate proceedings and support the activities in the academic agendas. The next Enterprise Services Trade shows will be held in the provinces of Almeidas, Oriente, Guavio and Soacha.
- Specialized sectorial forums: based on the main production orientations in each province in Cundinamarca, we developed forums and meetings to analyze situations, opportunities for development and challenges faced by the priority sectors in each sub-region. These forums and meetings enjoy active participation by entrepreneurs, enterprise associations, municipal and departmental authorities, the academic sector and subject matter experts.
- Entrepreneurial and Innovative Culture Workshops aimed at young adults: in order to contribute to the strengthening of competencies that will allow them to be more productive and to build a better future for themselves, we carry out workshops that promote an entrepreneurial and innovative culture in students attending Cundinamarca's schools and universities. Through these workshops, youngsters are able to live and experience what it means to be an entrepreneur, to innovate, make proposals and act to be successful and competitive.
6 Information and knowledge We build and disseminate knowledge about Bogotá and the region
We build and disseminate knowledge about the enterprise, economic and social realities in Cundinamarca, its provinces and municipalities, in order to better disclose the situation, potential and opportunities in the region. This input facilitates the decision-making process for several public and private organizations.
The Regional Management Direction in the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce consolidates information about the 59 municipalities under its jurisdiction, drafting detailed reports of both a general, as well as a specialized nature, regarding its economic characterization and enterprise orientation, starting from the information included in the Merchant's Registrar and other sources. This consolidation is based on the companies' geographic information and identifies the types of organization (individuals or companies of different kinds), the size of the companies, the sector (trade, industry or services) and their main economic activities, the time they have been in business, their nature as importers or exporters, and the contribution each of them make to the GDP of their municipalities, among others.