Rates 2023

Here you can download the PDF document where you will find the rates of enrollment and company renewals, the rights for registration of the establishments, eBook branches and agencies, as well as the rights for cancellations or modifications, fees for registration of books and documents, Commercial Registry certifications and Non-Profit Organizations (Esales, from the spanish acronym), and the fees for Applicant's registration forms, the National Tourism Registry and Unified National Registry of Payment Order Operators. 

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Note: Anybody can examine the ledgers, public registry files or documents resulting from them, and take notes from them; this query can be made for free through our website www.ccb.org.co  or at any of our virtual rooms. You can request a physical copy of the books by paying the copying costs.  If you do not require a physical copy, you can write an email: correspondencia@ccb.org.co .  (Art. 26 Commerce Code y Single Memo from the Superintendence of Industry and Trade, numerals 1.5.1 y 1.12).

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