Tacit Withdrawal Resolutions
In compliance with Law 1755 of 2015, which replaced Title II, chapters I to III of the Administrative Procedural Code, and Contentious Administrative Procedure, the Vice-Presidency of Registration Services at the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce has issued the resolutions decreeing the tacit withdrawal of all requests for the registration of documents and establishments into the Merchant's Registrar and ESAL, which were returned conditionally which during the month following their return, have not been amended, clarified or changed as required, by the petitioner.
Read the resolutions (spanish version):
Year 2019 Merchant's Certificate and non-profit organizations
Unified Offeror Registry (RUP)
Year 2018 Merchant's Certificate and non-profit organizations
Unified Offeror Registry
Year 2017 Merchant's Certificate and non-profit organizations
Unified Offeror Registry
Year 2016 Merchant's Certificate and non-profit organizations