Proceso de nulidad del acto de Inscripción número 179 de (experiencia) en el Registro Único de Proponentes de la sociedad Portes de Colombia S.A.S número de proponente 00017039
Experience in providing goods, works and services will be accredited based on the contracts executed directly by the proponent, or through consortia, temporary unions and companies, in which the proponent has or has had participation, for the latter, the document accrediting the existence and its members must be submitted. You may submit any of the following documents:
A. A certificate issued by the third party that received the good, work or service stating:
- That the contract is executed.
- The identification of the parties.
- The amount for the contract expressed in standing monthly minimum wages (SMMLV) as of the date of termination.
- The goods, works or services to which the experience corresponds.
- Classification codes that identify the goods, works or services.
- The contract's date of termination.
B. Only if the proponent cannot obtain the certification referred to in the previous paragraph can they provide the copy of the executed contract stating the aforementioned information, together with the written declaration signed by the legal representative of the proponent or the natural person proponent, stating the value of the contract as of the date of termination, expressed in current legal monthly minimum wages (SMMLV); the goods, works or services executed and the classification codes with which they are identified.
Legal persons, with less than three (3) years of incorporation, may accredit their experience based on that of their partners or shareholders, associates or constituents.
C. Contract liquidation minute signed by the contracting third party, along with a statement issued by the proponent, which will be construed as having been given under oath, certifying that the information contained in the liquidation minute is current and effective.
D. Purchase orders, service orders and irrevocable acceptance of offers, issued by the contracting third party that received the goods, works or services, identifying the value, object, termination date and parties under contract.