Unified National Registry of Payment Order Operators (Runeol)
Since September 10, 2015, the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá (CCB) began managing this registry through a completely automated service. Learn about it .
The Unified National Registry of Payment Order Operators - Runeol, aims to publicize payment order or direct-debit operating entities that meet the requirements for registration prescribed by law, and which are assigned a unique code for national recognition.
Rates of the Public Registries 2019
- For new registrations and renewals: $43,000.
- For mutations (updating and cancellation): $11,600.
- Payment order or direct deduction operators have to renew their registration every year within the first three months of the year, in accordance with the values established for that purpose every year.
Benefits for employers
With this record, your company will know if the company through which you intend to acquire financial products and services or goods and services, is registered as an operating entity of payment orders or direct debit, and whether it has been assigned a unique recognition code.
Who may require it
Family compensation funds and legal entities or autonomous equities as laid down in article 2, section c) of Law 1527 of 2012.
Step by step process to register and renew
- Log on to the website of the Unified National Registry of Payment Order Operators (RUNEOL) then click on Register.
- Fill in the unified electronic form to request automated registration, amendment, renewal or cancellation of Runeol.
- Attach documents as appropriate.
If you have questions or inquiries, please view our Frequently asked questions about Runeol (spanish version).
- Law 1902 of 2018. Whereby the general framework for payment orders or direct debit, and other provisions, are established.
- Decree 1348 of 2016. Which regulate information disclosure and risk management in the sale and management of order of payment transactions carried out under the protection of the Law 1527 of 2012.
- Decree 1840 of 2015. Whereby the Unified National Registry of Payment Order Operators is regulated.
- Law 1753 of June 9, 2015. Whereby the National Development Plan 2014-2018 "All for a new country" is issued.
- Resolution 3440 of 2015. Whereby the fees for the Unified National Registry of Payment Order Operators is established.
- Resolution 65145 of 2015. Whereby the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce approved the RUNEOL form.
- Law 1527 of 2012. Whereby the general framework for payment orders or direct debit, and other provisions, are established.
- Decree 1481 of 1989. Which determine the nature, characteristics, constitution, internal systems, liability and sanctions, and other measures are issued for the promotion of employee funds.
The supporting documents that must accompany your automated registration application for RUNEOL are as follows:
- Proof of payment
- Validity Certificate, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days, proves the contract is in force and contains databases of financial, credit and service information (pertaining to the contract with credit bureaus like Datacrédito, CIFIN, Procrédito, etc.), where the obligation to submit reports and information to such entities is set forth.
- Certificate of existence and legal representation or equivalent document, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days, with a valid term issued by the entity that recognizes its legal status, for payment order operators that given their legal status or special regime, are not part of the Commercial Registry or the Register of Non-Profit Organizations of the Chambers of Commerce.
- Certificate of existence and legal representation of the Financial Superintendence, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days, for those entities that are under the surveillance of the Superintendence.
As for the case of autonomous equity:
- Certificate of existence of autonomous equity issued by the trustee, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days, which states that the object of the contract allows the execution of payment order or direct debit operations. Additionally it must identify the commercial trust contract, contract number, name of the autonomous equity and the Tax ID Number or NIT.
- Certificate of existence and legal representation of the Financial Superintendence, of the Trust Company, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days.