Logra la consecución de un aliado estratégico e inversionista para tu empresa o inversión.
We share with you these tips that will help you in your company's financial process.
Here is the explanation of four financial indicators for your company |
ProfitabilityThe gross margin is one of the profitability indicators. Gross profit * 100 / net sales It indicates the percentage of the funds left after eliminating the cost of the products or services sold, based on revenue figures. |
DebtIt calculates the level of debt as follows: Total liabilities * 100 / total assets It indicates the percentage of total liabilities within the total assets; the higher the index, the greater the company's financial leverage compared to third parties. |
LiquidityWorking capital is one of the liquidity indicators: Current assets - Current liabilities. Once the company pays all its current obligations, it will have X amount of cash left to pay obligations arising in the regular course of its economic activity |
ActivityPortfolio turnover is one of the activity indicators: Accounts receivable * 360 / net sales on credit. It determines how long it will take for the accounts receivable to become cash |
Learn how the CCB supports entrepreneurs in finding financial resources for its corporate strengthening.
At the CCB we assist you with your company's financial structure. To this end, we invite you to make a free, personalized and confidential assessment of your company. You will then be eligible to access a services pathway based on your needs, that will help you strengthen your company.