Promotion in the city

Driven in 2008 by the City Tourism Institute,by the CCB and by the Invest in Bogotá, the City Marketing Strategy seeks to transform the mindset of decision-makers and opinion leaders both domestically as well as internationally, creating positive mind associations for Bogotá, through the promotion and fostering of positive elements regarding Bogotá:  the implementation of projects with a positive impact on the city, successful public policies, high impact or positively acknowledged events, business forums, architectural and cultural icons, public or prominent figures, a city brand, among others. 

In 2012, the strategy was consolidated through the efforts from four institutions that were key for Bogotá's international notoriety: The City Economic Development Office, the Secretary of Culture, Recreation and Sports, the Bogotá Conventions Bureau and Corferias, and the City International Relations Office.

In 2014, the participating institutions involved in the City Marketing Strategy will be working on projects that will contribute to drawing international awareness towards Bogotá.  Some of the most notorious are: Congreso ISPA, Congreso UFI, ARTBO, BAM, BOmm, Río+20, Campañas de Promoción Internacional de la Ciudad, World Cities Culture Forum, ATP 250 y Activación de la Marca de Bogotá. Learn more about this, by downloading the following documents:


City's brand

The city's brand is a communications tool that supports those projects involved in the City Marketing Strategy.  For the success and incorporation of this strategy and the brand, we work mainly with a communications component that will allow for articulation with partner organizations, sending consistent messages about the city towards international markets. 

The word "Bogotá" is the main element in the brand, and was chosen in 2010 through a competition in which eight leading and renowned companies participated.  A jury of experts comprised by both national and international members chose the proposal from renowned designer Misty Wells.  After over two years of traveling the world promoting Bogotá under the brand developed by Misty Wells, the stakeholders have decided to evolve the brand in accordance with the changes that Bogotá has undergone, and with the markets we are competing in.

Under the same principles that have helped guide the development of the strategy since its inception, and jointly with Misty Wells, its original creator, we have developed a new version of the brand aimed at highlighting one of Bogotá's most noteworthy and individual values. Using as reference its location in a flat valley atop the eastern branch of the Colombian Andes, 2.600 meters above sea level, this brand evolution allows for associations to be made with ideas such as a higher level, higher quality and higher success. 

Thus, Bogotá focuses on being seen as a city on the top, in the highest of places; a world-class, high-yield, high-performance spot that soars above expectations, and that is par with the greatest capitals in the world.  Learn more about Bogotá's brand use manual.

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