Corporate strategy
Below, we present some considerations to consider in the creation of a unique value proposition (UVP):
What is a unique value proposition (UVP)?
It is a key element that makes you stand out on the market and it is the reason why clients buy your products and services and not those of the competition.
UVP Features
- Convincing: The value proposition needs to make it completely clear why they should buy your products and services and not those of the competition.
- Attractive: So that the value proposition is attractive, you need to understand your market’s needs and to solve them through your products or services.
- Simple: It needs to be easy to communicate and understand.
- Different: The value proposition helps your clients to understand how you are different from the competition and not to choose it because of the lower price.
How to Create your unique value proposition
1. Know the target market.
- Study your clients’ demographics.
- Observe them.
- Start a conversation with them.
- Take note of everything you learn.
- Create the image of a “real” person with the characteristics of your market.
2. Discover your competitors.
- Find your competitors’ products or services.
- Study their marketing methods.
- What do their clients think of them?
- How do your competitors attend to their clients?
- Create a report on each competitor.
3. Create a better product or service.
- Analyze your research.
- Decide whether to create a new product or service, or to improve the existing one.
- Focus on your market niche.
4. Create your UVP.
- Brainstorm to create your UVP.
- Remember to be short and effective.
- Put it to the test and collect feedback before revealing it.
What makes it unique?
At the CCB, we help you to structure your business strategy and to develop action plans to implement it based on effective management systems, so we invite you to make a free, personalized assessment of your company with confidential management of your information. Therefore, you may access a pathway of services according to your needs to strengthen your company.