Steps to create a company
Start down the entrepreneurship roadmap and register your company
We show you how to do it, here. Share your idea with us and allow us to guide you
Learn more about how we can help structure your enterprise project
1 - Build a list of the reasons to start a business: opportunity; need; unemployment; life plan, etc.
2 - Find an idea that matches your goals, knowledge and ideals, by answering questions such as: Does this idea resolve an unsatisfied need? Does your idea exist already? What is the product or service? Manufacturing or distributing? Analyze the different market opportunities for your idea: Who are your potential customers? How will you reach them? What is the differential value of your product compared to others in the market?
3 - Define the resources you need, and analyze your competition, the market's potential, the skills you will need, and the value proposition from your business model.
4 - Implement the defined business model considering the value proposition your are offering your customers.
We invite you to make a free, personalized assessment of your business idea, with all information treated as confidential. You will then be able to access a services pathway that matches your needs and will get you the assistance you need to consolidate your entrepreneurial project.
Now is the time to identify and choose the most suitable legal format to register your company
1 Individuals exercise their activities regularly and professionally, on their own, and they assume all rights and obligations from the commercial activities they carry out.
2 A legal person is a fictitious person that is capable of exercising rights and acquire obligations, and of being represented both judicially as well as extra-judicially. They are divided into: Limited Liability Company, Single-Person Company, Anonymous Partnership (Corporation), Collective Partnership, Closed Limited Partnership, Limited Joint-Stock Partnership, and Associative Work Company.
3 It is a set of goods organized by the entrepreneur to fulfill the corporate goals. A single individual or legal person may own several commercial establishments, and said establishments can also belong to one or several owners and be used for the conduction of different commercial activities.
4 How to formalize your registration. To do it as an individual or as a commercial establishment, you will need to visit our portal This proceeding can be done online or at any of the CCB's offices. Query the Rates of the Public Registries 2023 (spanish version).