Assess your company


When assessing your corporate project, you will be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses, as well as defining a comprehensive services route tailor-made for your needs. 

This is the first step to ensuring that you will benefit from our Enterprise Services Models in a personalized fashion. 

Steps of the Enterprise Services Model

1. Register. Start building your entrepreneurial dream. Register and take the first step towards achieving your goals.

2. Identify your needs. Identify your company's strengths and needs just by filling out the enterprise assessment, and start developing your workplan.

3. Work on the suggested pathway. In order for you to move forward on satisfying your needs, register, attend and access the services in the suggested pathway. If you have doubts regarding your assessment or diagnosis or the suggested services pathway, we invite you to attend an orientation session. Learn more about the schedules for these sessions, here  (spanish version).

4. Follow the suggested pathway.  Jointly, we build the your pathway, and will accompany you in the achievement of your goals; we do this because we believe in you. 

5. Review your results. Assess the results and progress made along the pathway to your dreams. 


We invite you to make a free, personalized and confidential assessment of your company. You will then be able to access a services pathway that matches your needs and will get you the assistance you need to consolidate your company. 

Once you know your recommended pathway, you only need to register the proposed services by logging in with your username and password below; select the diagnosis you have filled out by clicking on the button "See Pathway" (Ver Ruta) to review it, and follow the calendar icon for the activities you are interested in, selecting the date, time and venue that best suits your needs.

For specific questions about the diagnosis, the services pathway or the registration, check the schedules and venues:

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