Information about the CIIU code

The Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá reports that as of December 1, 2012, in accordance with what is set forth by the National Tax and Customs Office (DIAN) in Resolution 139, you must look up or update your ISIC Code.

Entrepreneurs: below you will be accessing another search option that will assist you in finding the proper term to classify your economic activity.  Remember that this section only includes those terms that are not listed in the CIIU Code guide.

Download the file:  Other alternatives to find the CIIU Code  (spanish version).

What is the ISIC Code?

For the purposes of classifying the financial activities of entrepreneurs in the country in a more precise manner, the chambers of commerce of the country, starting in 2000, are governed by the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) for all economic activities.

The ISIC Code was created by the United Nations and revision 4 is an adaptation for Colombia created and revised by the DANE.

Why did the ISIC Code change?

Through Resolution 066 of January 31, 2012, the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) established the new Classification of Economic Activities ISIC Revision 4 adapted for Colombia. Also, the National Tax and Customs Office (DIAN) issued Resolution 139 last November 21, establishing that starting on December 1, 2012, entrepreneurs registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá must look up or update their ISIC Code according to this new version.  

What do I have to do to look up or update my ISIC Code?

To look it up or update it, you must:

  1. Visit our portal  – Online Services
  2. Enter the service: Look up and update economic activities
  3. You can look up or update your ISIC Code using the following search criteria:
  • Identification, name or corporate name, keyword, Merchant's Certification Number
  • Keep in mind that in order to search, you must have an online services password. If you do not have one or do not remember it, click here to request it
  • You may also verify your ISIC code or update it at our offices or at the Red SuperCADE.

Note: Remember that your activity information should match with what is registered at the DIAN, as well as the Unified Offeror Registry (RUP) and that this update must also be done on the web page

Which records require the ISIC code?
  • Commercial Registry
  • Registry of Non-Profit Organizations (ESAL) - Given that starting on January 1, 2013 your registration or renewal should be done
  • National Tourism Registry
  • Solidarity Economy Registry
  • Gambling and gambling activities registry.
Who should look up or update their ISIC Code?

All entrepreneurs registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá.

What happens if you do not update your ISIC Code?

• Your commercial activity will not be certified.
• You will not be able to carry out the processes that are subject to this update, for example: Renewal of the Merchant's Certificate, File tax returns with the DIAN, and others.

When is the deadline for updating your ISIC Code?

According to Resolution 154 of 2012 issued by the DIAN, natural or legal persons must complete said processing on the dates established (according to the last two digits of the NIT). Review your deadline. 

If you need more information, call our Immediate Response Line: 3830330

What are the benefits of having an ISIC Code?

The data you supply for the registration or the renewal of your commercial registration is the main source of information for our commercial database, a valuable tool through which can freely advertise your products or services, investigate new markets and expand your portfolio of potential customers and suppliers.

Other benefits

The Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá (CCB) will contact you:

  • When a national or foreign buyer asks us who sells the product or service that you register.
  • When a national or foreign entrepreneur is interested in providing goods and services relating to your company.
  • When the CCB organizes meetings between buyers and sellers, national or foreign, of the activity that you register.
  • When a national or foreign entrepreneur seeks to place their investment in the production of the goods or services you describe.

We will send you information about:

  • National and foreign fairs and missions directed at your industry.
  • Courses and seminars related to the activity that you perform.
  • Books and documents on subjects of interest to develop your economic activity.

You will be able to learn about:

  • The potential market in the zone of influence that interests you.
  • Segmented information about your market according to the products and/or services you offer.
  • The size of your market and its main characteristics.

Download Resolution 139 (spanish version) (Nov. 21, 2012).

International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities.

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