Electronic certificates and white paper

We have left traditional green paper behind and certificates shall be issued in plain white paper. They will have a unique verification code that will make it safer and more reliable.  


In order to use this service on your computer must have an updated version of Adobe Reader (10.0.1 or later) and also the latest version of the browser. 

What changed and what are the major changes in the certificates service?

The traditional green stationery that characterized the certificates issued by the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá was replaced by ordinary white paper.

Now all certificates have a verification code with which the entity that requests it will be able to validate the information one time by logging on to www.ccb.org.co  and they will incorporate a digital signature that gives it full legal effect in accordance with Law 527 of 1999.

What are the major changes to the certificates service?

Certificates of Natural or Legal persons, Commercial Establishments, Branches and Agencies, that are enrolled or have their registration in the CCB's jurisdiction (with the exception of the certified text of the documents contained in the records) will be issued only in electronic form, which shall be signed digitally, thus having full legal effect in accordance with the provisions of Law 527 of 1999.

All certificates issued in electronic form contain a verification code that is unique to each certificate and is listed at the top of the document, which can only be used once via the Certificates Verification module on our portal www.ccb.org.co

All certificates that have been issued in electronic form can be printed on paper (regardless of the type of paper), where the information contained in the electronic certificate is presented and can be validated only once using the verification code at the top of the document.

What is the verification code and what is it for?

It is a safety feature that enables the entity requesting the certificate to carry out a one-time validation that it has been issued by the CCB, that the digital signature matches and the information is the same as that which is found in the public registries. 

Where can certificates be acquired?

Business owners can issue it from home or from the office easily, quickly and safely by logging on to  www.ccb.org.co .

You can also obtain them at any of the service points at the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá:

What certificates can I acquire through www.ccb.org.co?

Through this online channel, you can only acquire the following types of certificates for Natural or Legal Persons, Commercial Establishments, Branches and Agencies that are enrolled or registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá: 

  • Merchant's Certificate
  • Existence and Legal Representation
  • Registering books
  • Unified Offeror Registry (RUP)

You may request any type of certificate issued by the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá at the following points in person: 

What are the benefits?

  • Having all the services available 24 hours a day, without traveling and long lines, allows us to make life easier for our entrepreneurs.
  • Entrepreneurs can print certificates from their home or office.
  • Greater security and reliability thanks to the verification code embedded in all certificates.
  • It ensures the integrity of the content of the electronic certificate via the embedded digital signature.
  • It simplifies processing by modernizing registry services.

Where can I find more information?

If you have any questions about this service, call our immediate response line 3830330 extension 8114, where one of our agents will assist you.

Through these simple videos, you can discover this new service and how to access it in detail.

Below we explain our new service step by step:

The video below will explain how the verification code works for the reliant party (that party that receives the certificate): 

Why do I get the error, "At least one signature has problems", when opening a certificate Adobe Reader PDF format?

Digital certificates issued by the CCB in PDF format contain digital signatures that can be validated in an updated version of Adobe Reader (10.0.1 or later). If you do not have it,  download it here .

In order to perform this verification, the program checks the trust of the entity that issued the document and will request the user's approval at first to update the trust certificates and to carry out this type of validation automatically from then on. 


If the signatures associated with the document are valid, Adobe will show a green notification bar to indicate a successful validation. 


In case the green bar does not appear the first time, you must close the document and then open it again so that Adobe Reader receives the updates and configurations automatically. 

In case you refused the download or verification of these trust certificates earlier in the application, you must go into the Trust Authorities Management setting in the Adobe Reader main menu, selecting the Edit option and then Preferences, where you will find the Trust Manager section. Once there, make sure that the option to load an Adobe server trusted root certificates is enabled and then click the Update Now button.


If after following these steps you still have issues with this validation, or if you would like additional information, you can contact our help desk, through the following channels: 

• CCB customer service line: (571) 383-0330 
• Direct technical support line Certicámara: 018000181531 on the national level and (571) 744 2727 in Bogotá D.C.  
• Contact e-mail: servicioalcliente@certicamara.com
• Online support.

If I'm validating the certificate and get the error "Internet Explorer can not display the webpage". How can I fix it?

For the Certificate Verification Service to work properly, you must have a recent version of your web browser. If you have a version of Internet Explorer below version 11 and have issues, you must perform some additional configuration to make use of the service.

Given that the verification page is a secure page, Internet Explorer must have compatibility enabled for the various SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) versions to ensure that the certificates can be validated. To do this, go to Internet Options, find the Advanced Options tab and scroll down to the end of the list under Security Settings, where you must enable the SSL and TLS protocols, as shown in the image.

Then refresh the web site so you can continue with no further issues.



What is the difference between a certificate acquired at a branch of the CCB and the electronic office?

There is no difference.

All certificates that have been issued in electronic form can be printed on paper (regardless of the type of paper), where the information contained in the electronic certificate is presented and can be validated only once using the verification code at the top of the document.

Certificates for natural and legal persons, commercial establishments, branches, and agencies that are registered or enrolled in the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá and that were requested in person at our physical offices are delivered to our clients on white paper which can be verified through the Certificate Verification Module only once, using the verification code that is located at the top of the certificate.

What means of payment are available to purchase the certificates?

Through our website www.ccb.org.co , you may purchase your certificates paying with the following methods  (spanish version).

During what hours can I purchase certificates?

Certificates may be purchased during the service hours of each of the CCB service points .

On our portal www.ccb.org.co  you can buy them on any day, 24 hours a day (7/24).

How many certificates can be purchased?

At our offices you may purchase a maximum of 999 certificates per transaction, of which six will be delivered immediately and the remaining ones will be delivered 16 working hours later.

If buy them over the Internet, the limit for certificates is 200, but you can perform as many operations as you deem necessary, all of which will be available for download within 15 minutes following the receipt of payment.

After buying the certificate through www.ccb.org.co how long do have to download it?

The maximum period to download certificates will be within 48 hours after having generated them.

If you have any problem, you can call the Immediate Response Line at 3830330

After the purchase through www.ccb.org.co, should I print the certificate?

If you want to print it you can, but don't forget that this certificate has full legal effect in electronic format, pursuant to Law 527 of 1999.

If the entity that is requesting the certificate requires it in printed form, you can submit the paper containing the certificate information without a second though, provided that you have not already used the verification code (Remember that this code works only once).

Can I send the same certificate to various entities?

You must deliver one certificate to each interested party, given that verification may only be done once.

In case the verification process or the verification code does not work, where should the certificate's user or interested party call?

In this case, they must call the immediate response line at 3830330.

If I am a member of the CCB, how can I acquire the certificate and determine my quota?

You can purchase it at the CCB offices, our service points in Chía and Ubaté or online.

If done over the Internet, you must log in to the Member's Circle link  (spanish version) where you can find the option to make the request and download; in this option you can see the available quota.

What should I do if the receiving entity does not accept the certificate?

In this case, they must call the immediate response line at 3830330. 

If I want a certificate in green stationery, where can I obtain it?

Since last July 6, 2015 you CANNOT acquire certificates in green stationery.

Can certificates for non-profit entities be obtained in the same manner?

Yes, certificates for non-profit entities work the same way. 

Is this certificate valid for any transactions that might be needed?

Yes, it has full legal effect and technical security.

Is the amount for a certificate issued by www.ccb.org.co equal to the amount for a certificate issued at a service point?

The amount for a certificate is the same. 

What information is needed to purchase my certificate?

In order to search for a record you must have any of the following on hand: 

• Identification number and type.
• Corporate name.
• Registration number.

After downloading the certificate, should I save the file on my computer to carry out the subsequent verification?

Yes, to have the document in your files and for subsequent queries. 

If confirmation email with the certificate information is deleted or I lose it, what can I do to recover it?

The confirmation email is not necessary for downloading the certificate, as this procedure is done directly in the "Download" module in the electronic certificates service. 

The service applies for certificates issued by other chambers?

Yes, the country's chambers of commerce issue electronic certificates that can be requested in person through the physical channels of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, that are connected online to the respective chamber of commerce in another jurisdiction. 

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