National Tourism Registry (RNT)

Who is required to register in the National Tourism Registry (RNT, for the Spanish original)?

The tourism service providers listed in Article of Decree 229/2017 must register in the RNT. 

What tourism activities do not require the service provider to have a business establishment?

When they are not recognized as merchants, tourism service providers do not have to be registered in the Mercantile Register.

Tour guides are not required to have a registered business establishment as a precondition for registration in the RNT. Tourist Residences are not required to have a registered business establishment either; however, they are not prohibited from having one.

Are tourism service providers required to have a business registration as a merchant (individual or company) and also register a business establish...

Yes, excluding the exceptions of section  Decree 2063/2018.  All tourism service providers are required to be registered as merchants and must have a registered business establishment that lists the tourism-related economic activity that they intend to provide. This activity must match the category and subcategory under which the provider is requesting the registration. 

What do tourism service provider category and subcategory mean?

The categories and subcategories of the tourism service provider are directly related to the economic activities that must be registered with the RNT.

The categories generically describe the tourism activities, i.e. travel agency, lodging and accommodation establishment, among others.

The subcategories refer to specific tourism activities belonging to the generic activity, i.e. travel and tourism agency, wholesale travel agency, hotel, aparthotel, etc.

To be able to register with the RNT under any category, does the tourism service provider first have to be registered as a user on the website of t...

Yes, in order for the tourism service provider (individual or company) to be able to carry out the online registration process, it must, after reviewing compliance with the general and special requirements of the category under which it intends to register, the create a user and password using the "register" option at this link .


How do you determine which Chamber of Commerce that has jurisdiction for the purposes of issuing the RNT?

The Chamber of Commerce with the jurisdiction to issue the Registration is determined by checking the municipality where the business establishment is located. If the TSP provides services in a decentralized manner in multiple jurisdictions, it must have an agency registered at the corresponding chamber of commerce for each of them.  Paragraph 2, Article Decree 2063/2018.

What are the benefits for the providers registered with the RNT?

In general, the benefits include: operating under the Law, the possibility of participating in tenders with Government agencies, the possibility to access loans and advertising with third parties. In addition, they will avoid all types of fines and sanctions for not performing the activity under the law.

Why register and/or update the registration in the RNT annually?

The registration and/or annual update of the registration is a legal duty. Registration with the RNT is one of the requirements to be eligible to provide tourism services pursuant to the provisions of Article Decree 2063/2018.

In accordance with Paragraph 3 et seq. of Article 33, Law 1558/2012, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MINCIT, for the Spanish original) will establish the conditions and requirements necessary for the registration and update of the National Tourism Registry and other conditions for the Chambers of Commerce to exercise the function.

The MINCIT will ask district and municipal governments to immediately shut down tourism establishments temporarily until the providers have provided proof of registration in the RNT or have complied by updating their registration. In order to lift the aforementioned measure, the district and municipal authorities must check with the respective Chamber of Commerce or the MINCIT, that the tourism service provider has fulfilled its obligation to update the National Tourism Registry or the respective registration.

Who is required to be reactivated in the RNT and what payment must be made to do so?

The tourism service providers that have not updated the registration within the legal term defined in Article of Decree 229/2017 must be reactivated in the RNT, i.e. those that have not carried out the update process between January 1 and March 31 of the year to be updated.

In order to reactivate the registration in the RNT, the provider must make the request and provide proof of payment in favor of the National Tourism Fund of one (1) minimum monthly salary at the time of payment.

What are the obligations of the tourism service providers?

In general, the TSPs' obligations are as follows:

a) Register with the RNT.
b) Update the data of their registration with the RNT between January 1 and March 31 every year.
c) Adapt their advertising to the services offered, especially in terms of prices, quality and service coverage.
d) Provide the information required by the tourism authorities.
e) Follow the rules on environmental conservation when carrying out tourism projects, as well as when providing their services.

What do the Chambers of Commerce check regarding the various requests of tourism service providers?

As regards the requests for registration, the Chambers of Commerce must verify compliance with the requirements established in Article of Decree 2063/2018. They must also confirm compliance with the special requirements for the categories in which the registration is requested, considering the provisions laid down in Decree 229/2017 for each category.  

What are the grounds for rejecting the requests for registration submitted regarding the RNT?

In accordance with Article of Decree 2063/2018, the grounds for rejection of a registration are:

1. Failing to meet the general requirements
2. Omissions in completing the form
3. When the corporate purpose and/or economic activity stated in the Mercantile Register does not match the activities and/or functions listed in the category or subcategory.

What procedures of the RNT require payment for purposes of validation by the Chamber of Commerce?

Reactivation for not carrying out the annual update of the registration within the legal term to do so. In this case, the provider must make the request and provide proof of payment in favor of the National Tourism Fund in the amount of one (1) minimum monthly salary at the time of payment, in accordance with Article of Decree 229/2017.

What are the grounds for the cancellation and/or suspension of a Registration?

The grounds laid down in Article of Decree 229/2017

1. The decision of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce
2. The request of the registered provider
3. Due to inactivity, when the tourism service provider does not update its RNT during two (2) consecutive periods, the corresponding Chamber of Commerce will automatically cancel the registration thereof.
4. When the conditions laid down in this Decree are met.
5. By operation of Law.
6. In the case of establishments that provide lodging service by the hour are registered in the RNT, the MINCIT will ask the corresponding Chamber of Commerce to cancel their registration immediately.

Paragraph 1. If the Mercantile Register is canceled, the Chamber of Commerce will automatically proceed to cancel the respective RNT.

What are the grounds for suspension of the RNT?

Suspension from the RNT can take place for the following reasons:

a) At the request of the tourism service provider, in which case it must report the suspension and the date on which it will resume activities.
b) On the part of the MINCIT when violations of Article 71 of Law 300/1996 are incurred.
c) Due to the failure to update the Registration every year within the term established by law.

How can the TSP obtain the certificate from the RNT?

Once its request for registration or the annual update has been approved, it may obtain the certificate through the RNT portal by entering its user and password. 

What information do the registration and update certificates contain?

In accordance with Article Decree 2063/2018. The certificate must contain the following information:

1. RNT registration number, which will be the exclusive number assigned to the respective provider in consecutive order.
2. Name, address and municipality of the business establishment.
3. Name of the provider and identification number.
4. Category and/or subcategory, when applicable, of the tourism service provider.
5. Date of issue and validity of the registration.
6. Logo identifying the Chamber of Commerce and signature of the registered agent or the authorized person who issued the certificate.

Paragraph. For tourism service providers that are not required to apply for the mercantile register, the certificate will not contain the information indicated in item 2.

Can the business registrations of companies be registered in the RNT?

No, they cannot. To be registered in the RNT, the TSP (individual or company) must enter the registration of its business establishment to be able to request registration in the case that the provider's category requires the incorporation of a business establishment to be able to operate. Exceptions. Tour guides. 

How can the TSP change the information of the business establishment associated with its RNT?

The TSP must request at any of the CCB offices the change of the information listed for the registered business establishment using the change of address form; once this procedure is final, the information in the system will be updated automatically with the information contained in the Business and Social Registry (RUES, for the Spanish original).

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