Renewal of the Merchant's Certificate

Why does the new form have so much information and why is it repeated so often?

The design of the new form follows the directions of Resolution 60222 of 2012 created by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce based on fields established by the Código de Comercio (spanish version). Therefore, we can not delete information fields that are required by the regulation. However, the easiest way to fill out the form is via the internet, since most of the information is already recorded there.

To cancel the merchant's certificate, do we have to renew the year 2020?

If you cancel the existence of your company registration before March 31 you will not have to pay for the current year. After March 31, payment for renewing the 2020 registration is mandatory, both for companies that want to continue with the existence of their company and for those who do not.

What are the benefits of being registered?

An entrepreneur that registers acquires legal status and a commercial identity with regard to other companies. Also, it publicizes their acts.

By registering, you can do business more easily with other companies or individuals given the conditions of existence and legal representation with which the Merchant's certificate provides you. 

In addition, you can access the broad portfolio of corporate support services offered by the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá. 

Lastly, a registered company has legal support provided by the documentation that the CCB preserves when the company obtains its register.

Why should I renew my merchant's certificate?

By renewing your registration, you update your information and fulfill your legal obligations.

Also, it allows your company to be contacted by other companies that use to the Commercial Registry to do business and may participate in government bids and tenders. We encourage you to learn about more benefits at:

I adhered to Law 1429 or the formalization law. How can I determine if I still have benefits?

After validating the date in which your mercantile registration was generated, this benefit is in effect for companies that registered between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2014.

How often must I renew my registration?

Every year, until March 31 based on what the law stipulates in the Código de Comercio (spanish version).

What should I do if the system crashes while I am renewing my registration online?

You must log back on to the website. Under the online renewal service, you must find your company so the system can tell you if you have a recalculation or payment order in process. If the payment order or the recalculation is available, you can resume the renewal process from the point where the system crashed. Otherwise, you must start over. 

What do I do if I generate a payment order but then decide to pay a different way?

You can change the payment method only if the order has not been paid or the PSE data / credit card method information has not been sent for approval to the bank. To do this, you must visit the link "See purchase orders", return to the order that you generated, select the payment option and choose the alternative that you wanted for payment. If PES / credit card information was already sent to the bank or you already paid the order online, you cannot change the method of payment.

What do I do if I choose to pay by credit card but then want to change the payment option?

You can change the payment method only if the order has not been paid or PSE data / credit card information has not been sent for bank approval.

If you select the credit card payment option and have not yet entered the data required for payment (cardholder name, card number, and others), you must follow these steps:
1. Visit the link "See purchase orders"
2. Return to the order that you generated
3. Select the option "Pay"
4. Choose the option that you wish to use to make your payment.

What is the balance that I should use to perform the renewal?

The information that must be reported in the renewal should be in accordance with the balance of the preceding fiscal year.

What are the costs that are generated?

This is in accordance with the value of the total assets reported by the client in the financial information.

What benefits do I have for having paid the membership fee during the renewal process?

 Some of the benefits for having paid the membership fee during the renewal process are:

• 4 passports for admission into the Mundo Aventura park.
• Access to selected fairs in Corferias.
• Access to the electronic certificate of Existence and Legal Representation for the company free of charge using the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá website.
• Incentives and discounts with the subsidiaries of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá.

How do I request the password?

Request your online services password simply by accessing our  online services .

How can I download the forms completed online?

See the forms by simply visiting our  online services

How can I change the information recorded in the online renewal?

In person at any of our offices through the recalculation procedure.

How can I view and/or reject the purchase order?

In order to see purchase orders, click on  online services

How do I pay using PSE?

Payment by PSE can be done via the link: online services .

What technical conditions should be taken into account for renewing online?

Renewal can be done by simply clicking on  online services  and follow the instructions provided by the system.  

Can I enter my company's financial information using decimals?


Where can I renew my business registration?

The company's registered agent or the registered individual can fulfill the legal obligation of renewing quickly, easily and securely at our electronic office ( ); this can also be done in person at any of our 12 branches ; in either case, the respective form must be completed to update the information.

What documents do I need to renew my business registration?

If you are going to renew online, have your balance sheet at December 31 of the previous year (according to IFRS) and a secure password.

If you are going to do so in person, go to the CCB branch or point of service with the completed form. If you are reducing the number of assets, provide the financial statements.

How much does it cost to renew the business registration?

It depends on the value of assets reported. You can check the rates here.

What financial information do I have to report on the business registration renewal form?

To renew the business registration for a given year, you must take into account the financial information at December 31 of the preceding year.

Once the purchase order is generated, how do I make the payment for my first-time membership?

The business owner must go to  and click on "Procedures and Queries".

Then, go to purchase orders and enter the e-mail for services of process registered with your last business registration renewal and click on "search".

There you will find the purchase order to be paid.

Finally, you can pay using any of the authorized channels or print the purchase order and pay at authorized banks.

My purchase order to pay the first-time membership is rejected. What should I do?

If your purchase order is rejected, contact one of our advisors at +57 (1) 594 1000 Extensions 3667, 3663, 3662 or 3610 for assistance in the process, in order to generate a new purchase order.

If I have not used the balance allocated to my certificates and I have to renew my business registration again, is the balance cumulative?

1. The value for the certificate quota of each member will be calculated based on the rate paid by the business owner for the current year.
2. Since membership runs up to March 31 each year; that will be the deadline for the member to use the quota to which it is entitled for free certificates.
3. Accordingly, regardless of the renewal date of the business registration and membership (active member), the deadline to use the free certificates will run up to March 31 of the following year. If the quota runs out before that, the value corresponding to the additional certificates requested must be paid.
4. When business owners renew their business registration and membership during the first quarter of the current year, their quota will be the rate paid in said year, and the unused balance of the previous year will be deleted. That is, the balances for the use of free certificates are never cumulative.
5. When members do not renew their business registration and membership in the first quarter of each year, the quota for free certificates will be COP 0 as of April 1 of the current year. When members renew their registration and membership in the same calendar year, the quota for free certificates will be activated, which will be valid up to March 31 of the following year, although the new quota will not be cumulative with the unused balance from the preceding year.

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