Cedritos office and business centre

Danny Jiménez Rios
Assistant manager:
Astrid Mayerly Gallardo Ariza
Avenida 19 nro. 140-29 Cedritos

Monday to friday 8:00 am - 5:00 p.m.

Bogotá (Bogotá D. C.), Colombia
(601) 3830330 - 5941000 - #383 mobile


New on-site virtual consulting service

We are fully committed to improving the client experience. That is why we are working day by day to make it better. The new on-site virtual consulting service allows the assignment of turns from one site to another, thus optimizing the human resources available, decreasing client wait time and relieving the offices.

To do so, we already have terminals in virtual rooms at all the sites with a video module and a headset in order to be able to provide the service effectively.

To clients, it will be clear; we will inform them that an advisor available in another office will serve them immediately. If the user does not want the service through this means, the transfer will be made with priority for service by an advisor in person.

If there is a problem regarding the connection with the virtual advisor and it cannot be resumed, a priority turn for on-site service will be provided at the office in which the client is located.

In the case of assistance in incorporating businesses, the office that has the certificate of incorporation will send it by e-mail to the virtual advisor for review.

Legal support services for the creation and establishment of companies

Commercial registry

Merchant's certificate (Natural person and commercial establishments)

Nonprofit organizations registry (ESAL)

Establishments (commercial companies, civil companies, Esal)

Offeror registry

Merchant's certificate renewal

Unified National Registry of Payment Order Operators (RUNEOL)

Changes (Change of name; change of address, telephone number or email; change of economic activity)

National Tourism Registry

Cancellation of the registration (Natural person and commercial establishment)

Registry of private, foreign, non-profit entities

Issuance of certificates (registration, existence and legal representation, ledgers, negative, special)

Registraty of solidarity economy

Document registrations (statutory reforms, appointments, liens, legal dispositions)

Registry of gambling activities operators

Registration of ledgers

Oversight associations registry

Registration, renewal and update of proponents

Rental of auditoriums and conference rooms for corporate events
Support services for the resolution of conflicts
  • Arbitration
  • Enterprise conciliation

6 conciliation rooms

Enterprise training GFE

Commercial assistance GFE

Enterprise training, data bases, tutor program

Other services

Legal assistance for the conduction of registration proceedings. Enter  here

CAE assistance for the establishment of commercial and non-for-profit companies

Virtual room - capacity 11 sets of equipment

Free wi-fi service


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