New Chía office

Paula Andrea Valencia Salinas
Assistant manager:
Gustavo Mejía Villegas
Centro de Negocios KUAN. Km 2,5 Chía (Store 6-9)

Monday to friday from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. 

Chía (Cundinamarca), Colombia
(601) 3830330 - 5941000 - #383 mobile


Legal support services for the creation and establishment of companies

Commercial registry

Merchant's certificate (Natural person and commercial establishments)

Nonprofit organizations registry (ESAL)

Establishments (commercial companies, civil companies, Esal)

Offeror registry

Merchant's certificate renewal

Unified National Registry of Payment Order Operators (RUNEOL)

Changes (Change of name; change of address, telephone number or email; change of economic activity)

National Tourism Registry

Cancellation of the registration (Natural person and commercial establishment)

Registry of private, foreign, non-profit entities

Issuance of certificates (registration, existence and legal representation, ledgers, negative, special)

Registraty of solidarity economy

Document registrations (statutory reforms, appointments, liens, legal dispositions)

Registry of gambling activities operators

Registration of ledgers

Oversight associations registry

Registration, renewal and update of proponents

Other services

Legal assistance for the conduction of registration proceedings. Enter  here

CAE assistance for the establishment of commercial and non-for-profit companies

Virtual room - capacity 5 sets of equipment

Free wi-fi service

Español Link