Fusagasugá auditorium and conference rooms

Avenida Las Palmas nro. 20-55

Monday to friday from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.

The Fusagasugá Office has:

  • Multiple lounge accommodating up to 180 people; in turn, this multiple room can be divided into two large rooms for up to 100 people or three large rooms up to 50 people each. It is equipped with state of the art technology audiovisual devices (retractable screens, high-resolution video, sound amplification).
  • Lounge 3 with capacity up to 50 people. Accommodating at the theater.
  • Conference room 1 floor 1 with capacity up to 8 people. Meeting room.
  • Conference room 2 floor 1 with capacity up to 10 people. Meeting room 

Additionally, we have support rooms for your event, such as for example, kitchen, limited parking spaces free of charge, coffee station, restrooms for visitors and wi-fi service.

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