

Export of goods

  • To surround citizens through the Academy, increasing efforts to spread the Korean language and culture in Colombia.
  • Promote student and teacher exchanges.
  • Promote the creation of an association of Colombian studies in Korea, which brings together the main Korean universities.
  • Permanently studying and identifying the needs and tastes of the Korean client to take advantage of opportunities and adapt the exportable offer.
  • Socializing the experiences of commercial exchange between Colombia and Korea is helpful to increase the interest of other entrepreneurs.
  • Articulate the different entities of the public sector in charge of the Presidential Office for Competitiveness and Public-Private Management to manage bottlenecks export.
  • Developing products with added value through long-term technological alliances.
  • Identify Korean value chains with which Colombian businesses can interact and promote investment and businesses.
  • Optimize infrastructure supply of foreign trade terminals and import and export procedures.
  • Generate new alternatives, both routes, and means of transport.
  • Promote an Air services memorandum of understanding with sufficient freedoms.
  • Extend the application of the AEO program to all actors in the logistics chain and sign a mutual recognition agreement with South Korea.
  • Extend the use of non-intrusive reconnaissance technology to more ports and airports and more types of products.
  • Propose to Korea a fast track for the admissibility processes to accelerate the entry of the products negotiated in the FTA.
  • Prioritize productive stakes in non - traditional product eligibility processes to increase trade and diversification of exportable agricultural and agro-industrial products.
  • Implementing the Health Diplomacy Agenda of MARD and strengthen coordinated interagency work.
  • To speed up the implementation of the other modules of the trace system: the web platform, developed by INVIMA, allows the collection, storage, processing, and analysis of information supplied by the actors subject to inspection.
  • Give Colombian exporters access to a catalog that compiles the technical requirements that the Korean market requires.
  • Provide data or sector studies where there may be a greater competitive advantage from NAFTA.
  • Identify sectors with an impact in the short, medium, and long term and where there are no regulatory barriers
  • Developed alliances to adopt QR codes on export goods that allow the Korean consumer, through the code scanner, to access Colombian tourism promotion campaigns.
  • Identify the interests of Korean music buyers and programmers to encourage their participation in the Bomm - Bogotá Music Market.
  • Encourage participation in relationship activities (conferences) that make it possible to socialize the potential of Colombian entrepreneurs in the Korean music market.
  • Build awareness and training scenarios for buyers of Korean audiovisual content with Colombian content.
  • Identify the Korean offer in the audiovisual industry that offers public television and cinematographic content to strengthen the national audiovisual market.
  • Provide advice to Colombian designers about product design according to the requirements of the Korean market.
  • Train and/or advise Colombian designers on fashion export requirements to Korea - Aligned with developing the export catalog.
  • Encourage the participation of Korean boutique and multi-brand shoppers in commercial relationship scenarios such as the BFW.

Export of services

  • Count on promotion policies for the orange economy sector, which allow the country to position itself in the Korean market.
  • Implement promotion actions specializing in sub-service sectors.
  • Give greater dissemination and socialization of the service chapter of the FTA for entrepreneurs in the sector.
  • To take advantage of Korean knowledge and experience on issues related to science and innovation, particularly in what has to do with information technology and communications.
  • Prioritize the exportable supply of knowledge-based services destined for South Korea and identify linkages.
  • Create one information system comprising demand for services in Korea and the requirements and conditions necessary for the provision of such services.
  • Create an strategy to attract targeted Korean tourists with specific plans in niches identified as potential ecotourism, hiking, biking, honeymoons, culture, and history.
  • Promote the commercial relationship of the Korean mission with Colombian film service agents.
  • Encourage the participation of Korean designers in the BFW to strengthen the presence of buyer missions to promote Bogotá as an ally in fashion.


  • Attract Korean investment in agriculture and agro-industry is necessary for technology and knowledge transfer in the production chain.
  • Promote a tripartite agreement between the governments of South Korea and Colombia and the private sector to develop blockchain technology.
  • Work to achieve the presence of Korean companies in the Colombian business fabric, with external talent or attracting Korean companies to settle in Colombia.
  • Promote the production of Korean movies, series, and reality shows in Colombian territory.
  • Accompany Korean investors in each of the projects in which they can potentially invest.
  • To ensure the design and implementation of both the VUI and the figure of the ombudsperson.
  • Identify the offer of investment projects in Colombia and adapt to the investment offer for South Korea.
  • Identify cooperation programs that identify investment opportunities and support the structuring of projects through multilateral development agencies such as the IDB.
  • Design exchange programs knowledge that will strengthen the financial and institutional architecture of Colombia.
  • Develop agendas and strategies targeted towards investors to connect them with employers and opportunities in different regions of Colombia.
  • Identify the needs and complementarities between the Colombian and South Korean economies concerning technology applications.
  • Attract investment from large Korean video game companies to seek alliances that transfer knowledge and skills to Colombian firms.
  • Present the existing public incentives for the cultural industries, the audiovisual market, and the physical infrastructure. Also, creating their infrastructure for Korean entrepreneurs to encourage their participation in commercial relations scenarios (BAM-Bomm).


  • To bring Korean investment and cooperation to consolidate technology parks and the transfer of knowledge and good practices.
  • To anticipate pilot projects that allow accelerating the country's digital transformation towards 5G technology.
  • Promote inter-institutional coordination to identify and prioritize strategic projects to be financed by South Korea.
  • Structure green cooperation projects considering the capabilities and strengths of South Korea.
  • Carry out the installation of the Industrial Cooperation Committee, where functions, objectives, and agendas for its operation are identified.
  • Start the operation of the institutional mechanism of the contact centers and agree on the periodicity with which these centers must meet.
  • To conclude the signing and implementation of a cooperation agreement on public health.
  • Establish a plan so that graduate students from universities in Colombia can find employment in Korean companies. Teaching Spanish and Colombian studies increases knowledge and reduces the distance between the citizens of both countries.
  • Establish and develop concrete initiatives based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Korea Research Center on Trade and Industrial Economics, the Ministry of Commerce, and Colombian universities.
  • Know and identify the Hallyu (Korean Wave) strategy as a knowledge tool for developing the Colombian music and audiovisual industry, which will generate benefits in large technology exporters and tourism.

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