
Executive President's Profile

Nicolás Uribe Rueda


NICOLÁS URIBE RUEDA was born in Bogotá, and has been married for over 13 years to Alejandra Zavala, with whom he has three children: Paloma, Paulina and Pedro Juan.

He was Presidential Advisor from 2002 to 2004 for the Colombia Joven Presidential Program, and Member of the Chamber of Representatives for Bogotá from 2006 to 2010. He has also been a professor at several universities in Colombia.

During his years in public service, Nicolás developed policies for the inclusion of Colombian youth, youth social control programs to promote transparency in spending of public resources, and initiatives to promote youth entrepreneurship with emphasis in company creation. He also drafted and sponsored bills and constitutional reforms of first order, such as the bill that requires a nominal and public vote in Congress, the Constitutional Reform that froze the number of councilmen in Bogotá, the law on the first job, and several reforms to policies and justice. In Congress he consistently supported initiatives aimed at promoting and guaranteeing freedom of enterprise and private initiatives.

In 2011 he created a consulting firm with the purpose of developing favorable environments for businesspeople, and since then he has worked with various retail, industrial and agricultural groups in promoting investment, job creation and the development of a business-friendly regulatory framework.

Also, for over nine years he published an editorial column in the newspaper El Espectador, and has participated as panel member in the Blu Radio show Mañanas Blu. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá and is currently a member of the Board of Directors and Founders of Institute of Political Science (ICP) Hernán Echavarría Olózaga.

Nicolás is a lawyer from Universidad de los Andes, with studies in International Policy at the American University in Washington D.C., and Public Policy at the High Government School of Universidad de los Andes. He also holds a Master’s in Political Action and Citizen Participation in the State of Laws from Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

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