Registration form to the Members Circle

Fill out the following form. We will get in touch with you very soon!

"When completing this form, you are authorizing the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá - CCB, identified with the TIN 860.007.322-9, based and located in Bogotá on the Avenue El Dorado 68D-35, phone number: 3830330 and web site:, as the party responsible for the privacy of the personal data collected, to store and use said data to: a) Verify compliance with the obligations established in the Law 1727 of 2014 to be a member of the CCB Member Circle, b) Enroll you as a CCB member Circle, c) Generate internal statistics and reports. You can check the “Personal Data Privacy Policies and Procedures” at . And submit your requests to , or at any of our offices in compliance with the provisions of Article of the Decree 1074 of 2015.

Your rights as the personal data subject are: (i) Free access to the data provided that have been subject to processing. (ii) Learn, update and correct your information in terms of partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fragmented or misleading data, or those whose processing is prohibited or not.

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