How to join


We appreciate your interest in becoming part of the CCB's Circle of Affiliates.

*Remember that payment of membership does not guarantee admission to the Circle of Affiliates, until compliance with the requirements is validated.

Effective term of affiliation and corresponding payment

Effective term

January 1st to december 31st, and exclusive benefits will be extended until March 31, 2020.

Cost of affiliation, 2019

               RANGE OF ASSETS              


50 % FROM JULY 1, 2019

From $ 0 to $50.000.000

$ 36.000


From $ 50.000.001 to $ 100.000.000

$ 56.000


From $ 100.000.001 to $ 200.000.000

$ 90.000


From $ 200.000.001 to $ 300.000.000

$ 127.000


From $ 300.000.001 to $ 500.000.000

$ 143.000


From $ 500.000.001 to $

$ 181.000


From $ to $

$ 225.000


From $ to $

$ 450.000


From $ to $

$ 631.000


From $ or more

$ 903.000


Approved by the CCB Board of Directors in accordance with the annual variation rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in 2018, set at three point eighteen percent (3.18), rounded up or by default to the nearest thousandth.

Paragraph: en la eventualidad de desafiliación, no habrá lugar a devolución de dinero. En caso de no ser aceptada la solicitud de afiliación, se hará la devolución de dinero.

Request and proceeding

Individuals or legal persons will request their affiliation into the CCB's Affiliates Circle , or its renewal, through the Affiliation Request Form as adopted by the Affiliation Committee. It will be a comprehensive part of the Affiliate Regulations. The interested party shall fill out the form in full, stating that they are in full compliance with all legal requirements and with all legal dispositions governing such matter at the time.

The signature on the form will serve as a statement to certify that the information provided therein is given under oath, and will allow to assume that the candidate knows and accepts the CCB's Affiliate Regulations

The form will be filed physically at any of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce's offices, or virtually, through the online platform that the CCB has set forth for such intent.

The Bogota Chamber of Commerce may validate the identity of the candidate through any means of identification it sees fit.

In the case of requests received online through the different channels the CCB has set forth for such purpose, authentication mechanisms will be required as necessary to validate the candidate's identity.

The interested party, or their legal representative, must enclose a copy of their personal ID.


Consideration and decision of affiliation requests 

The Committee will decide whether to accept or reject a request within two (2) months following submission of the request. In the event that this term expires before a decision on affiliation is made, the request will be considered to have been approved.

Notification of decisions

The Office of Institutional Relations will notify the business owner of the affiliation decision by e-mail or at the mailing address recorded in the Commercial Registry for legal notifications.


In the event of disagreement with the decision on affiliation or disaffiliation, contestation before the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce will take place within ten (10) business days following notification, under the terms established in articles 17 and 19, Law 1727 (2014). 

Payment of the affiliation charge

The merchant will pay the cost of the affiliation charge when they file the affiliation request.


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