Laureate organizations

Institut de Droit International
Nobel Peace Prize 1904 

Marcelo Kohen (Argentina)

Belgian organization that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1904 for promoting international arbitration and for persuading states to accept the rules of law in times of war. This was the first organization to win this recognition.

International Peace Bureau
Nobel Peace Prize 1910

Lisa Pelletti Clark (USA)

Founded in 1891 with the purpose of coordinating activities from different societies in favor of peace and promoting the concept of searching for peaceful solutions in international conflicts. In 1910 it won the Nobel Peace Prize for promotion of international peace.

International Red Cross
Nobel Peace Prize 1917 – 1944 – 1963
Cristoph Harnisch (Switzerland)

The international Red Cross has been consolidated as  a worldwide organization of Humanitarian Assitance. It has been a three time Nobel Prize Laureate, thanks to its actions in favour of peace, prevention and reparation of damages caused by accidents, natural disasters and similar events.

American Friends Service Committee 
Nobel Peace Prize 1947
Phil Lord (Estados Unidos)

An American religious organization that works for social justice, human rights, peace and reconciliation. In 1947 it won the Nobel Peace Prize along with the British Organization, Friends Service Council.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR
Nobel Peace Prize 1954 - 1981
Jozef Merkx

This body of the United Nations works for the protection of the refugees and  displaced people due to persecution or conflicts  and promotes the implementation of long-lasting solutions  for conflicts. It has been Nobel Peace Laureate two times.

Nobel Peace Prize 1965
Anthony Lake (USA)

Since 1946, the United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, has established itself as a child relief organization. In 1965, during the presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize, it was stressed that "everyone has understood the language of UNICEF and even the most reluctant will one day admit that UNICEF activities have shown that compassion knows no national borders."

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War 
Nobel Peace Prize 1985
Ira Helfand (USA)

In order to end the Cold War, physicians and medical associations from the Soviet Union and the United States created this organization in 1980. It was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985 for its fight for the prevention of nuclear war and the abolition of nuclear weapons, using scientific arguments.

Pugwash Conference
Nobel Peace Prize 1995
Sergio Duarte (Brazil)

A Canadian Organization that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995, together with Joseph Rotblat, for his efforts to diminish the role of nuclear weapons in international politics. The three most important problems for Pugwash are: damage from nuclear energy, control of nuclear weapons and the responsibility of science to society.

International Campaign to Ban Landmines 
Nobel Peace Prize 1997
Steve Goose (USA)

A global network that works to ban anti-personnel mines and cluster munitions. Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, together with American Jody Williams, for its contributions to the prohibition and cleaning of this type of mines.

Médicos sin fronteras
Premio Nobel de Paz 1999
Carlos Trotta (Argentina)

This medical and humanitarian organization helps the victims of natural and human disasters and of armed conflict. It received the Nobel Peace Prize for attending to the communities of more than 80 countries and for reporting acts of violence against the civil population.

United Nations
Nobel Peace Prize 2001
Jean Arnault (France)

This organization leads actions oriented to promote the Peace and Security in the world. In 2011, the UN and its Secretary-General  Kofi Annan were chosen for their job in favour of a better, organized and peaceful world.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Nobel Peace Prize 2007
Hoesung Lee (South Korea)

Organization responsible for scientifically assessing the risk of climate change caused by human activity and possible solutions to mitigate its effects. In 2007, along with American Al Gore, it received the Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to build and spread greater knowledge about man-made climate change and to lay the groundwork for measures necessary to counter it.

European Union
Nobel Peace Prize 2012
Eamon Gilmore (Ireland)

The European Union is an economical  and political association one of a kind and composed of 28 European countries. It  won the Nobel Peace for the contribution throughout six decades of the Advance Peace and reconciliation, the democracy and Human Rights in Europe.

Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Nobel Peace Prize 2013
Ahmet Üzümcü (Turkey)

A total of 192 states are members of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which is responsible for ensuring respect and compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention. In 2013, it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its work aimed at the destruction of chemical weapons and preventing their development.

Tunis Quartet 
Nobel Peace Prize 2015
Ouided Bouchamaoui (Túnez)

The "Tunis Quartet" is composed of the President of the Tunisian Union of Industry, Commerce and Craft - UTICA, Wided Bouchanaoui; The Secretary-General of the General Union of Workers, Houcine Abbassi; The President of the Human Rights League, Abdessattar Ben Moussa, and the president of the National Bar Association, Fadhel Mahmoud. These four leaders of civil organizations united to work for the consolidation of the democratic process in this African country and to avoid civil war. They received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015 for their decisive contribution to building a pluralist democracy in Tunisia, in the wake of the 2011 Jasmine Revolution.


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