Registry of electronic trade ledgers

  • If you choose to register your ledgers electronically, you must continue to do so in the same fashion

Since May 17, 2014, merchants can register their electronic trade ledgers with the CCB, as per the dispositions set forth under Decree 805 of 2013.

What ledgers may be registered?

Only those in compliance with the dispositions set forth under article 175 of Decree 19 of 2012, and the Single Memo issued by the Superintendence of Industry and Trade. 

List of electronic ledgers for commercial companies

Stock-based company: Corporations, Simplified Stock Companies (SAS) and Limited Joint-Stock Partnerships

  • Electronic shareholders ledger
  • Electronic shareholders' meeting minutes ledger

Individual - Based Companies: Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships and Collective Companies

  • Electronic partner ledger
  • Electronic board of partner meeting minutes ledger   

List of electronic ledgers for Non-For-Profit Organizations 

  • Electronic founders ledger
  • Electronic associates ledger
  • Electronic founders' meeting minutes ledger
  • Electronic high-council meeting minutes ledger
  • Electronic associates' meeting minutes ledger
  • Electronic cooperative ledger
  • Electronic high-management minutes ledger (Only when the requested ledger is not included in the list above).

Steps for registration

  1. Access the  Registration of trade ledgers  service (version in spanish), that can be found in our website, under Proceedings and Queries, and file your request by filling-in the required fields in the service.
  2. Your request will be studied and the results will be reported to you via e-mail to the address indicated in the service.
  3. If the registration is approved, access the application again and make the corresponding payment of the registration rights. Learn more about the Rates of the Public Registries 2023  (spanish version). 

Bear in mind

If the electronic ledger to be registered is the extension of a physical ledger, you will also be required to provide a certificate issued by the company's statutory auditor or accountant, or by the body that accredits this situation, in accordance with the dispositions set forth under article 126 of Decree 2649 of 1993.

Once the electronic ledger has been registered, the merchant shall be entitled to send to the Chamber of Commerce, during the course of one (1) year, the electronic files that comprise the electronic ledgers registered.

Composition of electronic ledgers 

If you have already registered an electronic ledger, you may request its composition by following the steps below:


1. Fill out the letter requesting the composition of electronic ledgers and file it online, filling out the form provided below.  This request must be digitally or electronically signed by the company's, or the Non-For-Profit Organization's, legal representative.

2. Once the proceeding has been authorized, you will be notified via e-mail and/or telephone about the state of your request, and will be registered with the CCB, instructing you to go to the CCB's Salitre Enterprise Office (Avenida El Dorado # 68D-35) with the electronic file (in PDF format and weighing no more than 20 MB) which constitutes the electronic ledger to be registered. 

The file must be electronically or digitally signed by the legal representative or by those who acted as president and secretary of the meeting.

The file must be stored in a CD, DVD or USB thumb-drive, which must include the company's Merchant's Registration number or the Non-For-Profit Organization's registration.

3. After filing the electronic file and the request for the composition of the ledger, the CCB will verify that all formal requirements are met.  If all requirements have been met, the electronic file will be digitally signed by the CCB and will be delivered back to you at the CCB's Salitre Enterprise Office within eight work hours from the time of filing of the initial request.

Bear in mind that the storage device should only include the electronic file(s) that make up the ledger.


  • File names must be in lowercase, should use no spaces or any of the following special characters (*?¡¿’/&%$#”!;:,,).
  • The form requesting the composition of the ledgers may be sent using one of the following file types:  .docx, .pdf and *.tiff. (Note: use the option "Save smallest file", or "Save for the Web", when generating the PDF file).

The request for the composition of electronic ledgers may only be filed through the following form:

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