Unified Offeror Registry regulations


Law 1755 of 2015

Regulations of the Right of Petition.

Law 1474 of 2011

Article 90, defines the conditions for a disqualification due to repeated default or non-compliance. 

Law 1150 of 2007

Article 6 amends Law 80 of 1993 (General Law on Public Procurement).

Law 789 of 2002

Regulates payroll contributions and establishes other tax rules.

Law 80 of 1993

Creates the General Procurement Law and the Unified Offeror Registry.


Decree 1082 of 2015

Which issues the Single Regulatory Decree for the National Administrative Planning Sector" which compiles, among other norms, Decrees 1510 of 2013 and 791 of 2014 regarding the RUP, and thus establishing them as its only governing norm. 

Decree 19 of 2012

Sets rules to void or amend unnecessary existing regulations, procedures and red tape in the Public Administration. Article 221 amended article 6 of Law 11 of 2007. 

Decree 1074 of 2015

Regulates chambers of commerce fees. 

Decree 1516 of 2016

Non-compliance report in the execution of social interest housing projects. 


Resolution 16771 of 2014

Issued by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, which authorizes the amendment of the Unified Commercial and Social Registry form (RUES) and the graphical layout of the Unified Offeror Registry. 

Resolution 71029 of 2013

Issued by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, which approved the reform of the Unified Commercial and Social Registry (RUES) and its annexes.

Resolution 82720 of 2013

Issued by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, which approved the layout of the Unified form and the certification of the Unified Offeror Registry. 


Circular number 2 of 2016

"Modifies Title VIII of the Single Memo, which provides instructions to the chambers of commerce related to the aspects pertaining to public records". 

Annex 4

Attached request for the use of electronic media for the sending of information from state institutions regarding contracts, fines, sanctions and disqualifications, as well as the report on the sanctions due to non-compliance as covered by Decree 1516 of 2016. 

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