



The Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá represents International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in our country and it is chair of the ICC National Committee Colombia. It is the voice of Colombian Entrepreneurs around the world.

ICC Colombia has been organized in 9 specialized commissions whose job it is to study, analyze, discuss or propose changes or suggestions to the regulations that have an impact on global business practices; generate concepts and positions before the proposals made by the international agencies on this topic and propose and implement studies and projects to favor commercial exchange.

This scenario represents a great opportunity for our business people to take part in the international dynamics, suggest concrete actions intended to reduce any obstacle they might encounter upon carrying out their business activity, inspire implementation of the Agreement on the WTO Commerce Facilitation and enter into significant commercial agreements that will favor entrepreneurs and prosperity for our people.

ICC Colombia is chaired by Nicolás Uribe Rueda, executive president of CCB.


  • Executive Committee. It is the highest decision making instance in ICC Colombia.
  • ICC Colombia Commissions. These are specialized forums to participate in ICC Colombia. They study, analyze and submit, to the consideration of the Executive Committee, recommendations and rules that will contribute to facilitate trade and investment in the target areas of the ICC.

Experts who are well - known in the field and who are endorsed by the chair of the Commission and voluntarily do their job with an honorary title integrate them.

ICC Colombia has the following nine Commissions:

  1. Arbitration Commission. It is a forum to share ideas regarding international arbitration and other forums to solve any disputes.
  2. Intellectual property. It promotes efficient intellectual property (IP) systems that support international trade, favor investing in creation and innovation and facilitate sustainable economic growth.
  3. Commercial law and practices. Lays down the universal corporate standards for international transactions and offers the world corporate collective point of view about business regulations as developed by intergovernmental organizations.
  4. Corporate responsibility and anti-corruption. Develops recommendations from a global corporate perspective regarding policies as well as practical tools in the area of corporate responsibility and fight against corruption.
  5. The environment and energy. Prepares recommendations regarding policies and tools oriented to global environmental and energy related issues such as climate change, green economy or sustainable growth, and contributes consumables for intergovernmental negotiations.
  6. Digital economy. It promotes global growth for digital economies and stable growth of its underlying information technology and communication platform (ITC), through leadership in the policies of the private sector, it also defends regulation and promotion of the best practices.
  7. Trade and investment policy. It promotes the companies' cross - border trade and investment as well as a global and open economy that will drive job creation, sustainable growth and an improvement in the level of life.
  8. Customs and trade facilitation. It promotes simplified policies and procedures within the realms of customs and transportation, as well as other measures that facilitate international trade.
  9. Marketing and advertising. It promotes high ethical standards in marketing through corporate self - regulation by means of international ICC marketing codes, and formulates the global international positions and initiatives to address any government measures that may have an impact on marketing and consumer protection.
  • Secretary General. An instance that coordinates all articulated work of the various instances at ICC Colombia.

What is ICC?

International Chamber of Commerce is a world corporate organization founded in 1919 gathering and representing over six and a half million companies, chambers of commerce and business associations in over 130 countries.

Sunil Bharti Mittal, who is the founder and chair of Bharti Enterprises, chairs it.

Advantages of being part of the ICC Colombia National Committee

Belong to ICC Colombia National Committee through the various commissions allows the business people to:

  • Have access and be in touch with actors, organizations and high level companies and have influence at the national and international level to the ICC network with its committees.
  • Gain access to information about the evolution of the policies, the legislation and regulations at an early stage as well as the possibility to take part in formulating them through the relevant instances.
  • Have acess to state - of- the - art knowledge that will contribute to create value in the companies.
  • Gain knowledge, generation and exchange of tools that have an impact in the corporate operation.
  • Identifying and promoting exchanging best practices.
  • Participate in discussions, give recommendations or issue concepts in areas such as preferential origin regulations, the ATA card; updates or modifications to the international trade rules Incoterms.
  • Special prices in publications, courses and conferences.
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