About us

The Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá represents International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in our country and it is chair of the ICC National Committee Colombia. It is the voice of Colombian Entrepreneurs around the world. ICC Colombia has been organized in 9 specialized commissions whose job it is to study, analyze, discuss or propose changes or suggestions to the regulations that have an impact on global business practices; generate concepts and positions before the proposals made by the international agencies on this topic and propose and implement studies and projects to favor commercial exchange.

This scenario represents a great opportunity for our business people to take part in the international dynamics, suggest concrete actions intended to reduce any obstacle they might encounter upon carrying out their business activity, inspire implementation of the Agreement on the WTO Commerce Facilitation and enter into significant commercial agreements that will favor entrepreneurs and prosperity for our people.

ICC Colombia is chaired by Nicolás Uribe Rueda, executive president of CCB.  

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