What is it good for?

  • We contribute to planning the territory future use processes

CIT sets up some mechanisms for integration, coordination and articulation of the Land - Use Planning by the territorial agencies part of it, thus contributing to plan the territory future use. It also allows for organizing providing utilities among the members, in order to guarantee a more efficient service to the people.

In turn, it promotes adopting a social - economic and physical - environmental information system that can be georeferenced as to facilitate exchanging information on planning and following up any land - use planning related decisions.


  • Articulate the land - use planning models among the territorial agencies that are part of it.
  • Build and arrange the strategic vision for future development for the region, considering factors such as environmental sustainability focused on the environmental assets and water resources (Bogotá River and the moors), the region's agricultural - industrial vocation, regional tourism, offer public services, food security, road connectivity, among others.
  • Coordinate actions as part of developng the topics defined as priority by the members: Bogotá River and moors, selling batches of water, regional connectivity, housing productive chains, changes and adjustments to Act 388 of 1997, technical assistance and horizontal cooperation, solid waste management and equipment.
  • Define an urban and housing development model according to the members' needs.

CIT Members' priority topics

The following are the objectives that have been defined as priority by the CIT Members.

  • Bogotá River and moors. Identify joint actions to revocer, protect and preserve the Bogotá River and the moors system.
  • Selling water in batches. Coordinate selling water to municipalities by the EAAB.
  • Regional Connectivity and Regional Integrated Transportation System. Identify, schedule and carry out multi - mode transportation and road projects for growth.
  • Housing. Define a housing location strategy in the region, especially for Social Housing (VIS) and Priority Interest Housing (VIP).
  • Productive chains, finding productive activities and strengthening clusters. Strengthen the region's productivity and competitiveness, as well as get complementarity and equality conditions by identifying and implementing regional productive projects and strategies.
  • A proposal to change and adjust Act 388 from 1997. Carry out a revision process for such law and identify the topics to be modified, to submit it to the National Government and Lawmakers' consideration.
  • Technical assistance – Horizontal technical cooperation. Strengthen the institutional capability of the municipalities in the region by implementing a horizontal technical assistance or technical cooperation agenda.
  • Regional general services equipment and location. Enter into agreements for a strategic placement of regional services (health care, education, procurement, recreation, risk management).
  • Comprehensive management of solid waste. Find a more suitable and sustainable regional waste disposal system for the territory.
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