Comply with the assessment of land use, location and destination

The land use assessment is a written opinion through which the urban curator or the District Planning Department (SDP, for the spanish original) informs the interested party of the use(s) allowed on a plot or building, taking into account the planning regulations adopted to guide and manage the physical spatial development of the territory and the use of the land, defined as the Land Use Plan (POT, for the spanish original).

The District Planning Department guides and leads the formulation and monitoring of the District's territorial, economic, social and environmental planning and policies.

Initially, you must define the activity or activities to be carried out in your business establishment, for example: trade of goods and/or services, restaurant, gambling, stationery, bar, etc.

Secondly, you must check the use allowed on the land of the intended location.

Land use can be checked in three (3) ways:

  1. The first option, in the virtual rooms of the CCB, check in the Information system of urban regulations and land use plan (SINUPOT, for the spanish original):  
  2. The second, is to go to the nearest curator’s office, and complete and file the respective consultation form.
  3. The third option is to go to the District Planning Department (SDP) or the Urban Regulation offices of the Specialized District Service Centers (CADES, for the spanish original), to complete and file the respective consultation form.

Bear in mind:

The issuance of these assessments does not grant rights or obligations to the applicant, nor does it change the rights conferred through licenses that are in force or have been executed.

The business establishment must be used to carry out a legal activity, which must match the activity registered in the business registration of the establishment and that observed during the visit by the inspection, oversight and control authority.


There is a charge for this procedure at the Curator’s Office; there is no charge for queries at the office or using the District Planning Department tool and virtual rooms of the CCB.

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