Comply with human safety conditions

Human safety conditions, like sanitary and environmental conditions, can only be checked in person. Human safety is defined as the set of conditions of a property to allow the quick and safe evacuation of its occupants.

The duties of the Special Administrative Unit of the Official Fire Department of Bogotá (UAECOB, for the spanish original) include verifying, at the request of the owner, the safety conditions to prevent potential risks and mitigate their impact in case of an accident, for which it checks, among other aspects, that the establishment has: emergency exits for the quick and safe evacuation of occupants, fire extinguishers, signaling, smoke detectors and electrical networks in perfect condition.

The technical assessment of the Fire Department is defined as “[...] the technical opinion issued by the Official Fire Department of Bogotá D.C., through which it inspects the conditions of human safety, risk of fire, hazardous materials and fire protection systems in the buildings or establishments of the District”.

If you would like the technical opinion, you must carry out the following procedure:

i. Go to one of the citizen service points of the Special Administrative Unit of the Official Fire Department of Bogotá, Citizen Service Office of the Official Fire Department, Calle 20 nro. 68A-68, with the following documentation, as the case may be:

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

New establishments or establishments not required to file an ICA (Industry and Commerce) tax return

Companies under the General Tax Regime

Companies under the Simplified Tax Regime

Submit the original or a legible copy of the Certificate of Existence issued by the CCB, renewed and valid for 1 year.

Submit the original or a legible copy of the six (6) bimonthly ICA tax returns of the preceding year.

Certificate of existence and representation issued by the CCB valid for 1 year.

Submit the original or a legible copy of the Certificate of Existence issued by the CCB, renewed and valid for 1 year and the original ICA tax return for the year preceding the request.


ii. If the business establishment is new or it is not required to file a return, the rate is equivalent to two minimum daily salaries per establishment; if, on the contrary, the establishment is not new and it is under the General or Simplified Regime, the rate is equivalent to one percent (1%) of the value of the ICA tax plus the equivalent of one minimum daily salary per establishment.

iii. Make the payment at any Banco de Occidente branch in checking account number 25604582-4 in the name of the District Treasury.

iv. Once the payment is made, the merchant must go to any of the service centers to receive a valid receipt of payment to be classified at the level of risk of the establishment and/or to claim the assessment of the technical inspection.


If the business establishment is considered to be low risk

But if it is considered to be moderate or high risk

The citizen shall participate in training.

An inspection of the establishment will be scheduled within thirty business days following the filing of the request.

At the end of the training, a self-inspection form will be provided.

The merchant will receive the technical assessment of the fire department 15 business days following the technical inspection.


Bear in mind:

i. The technical assessment will only be provided with the original receipt.
ii. In order to attend the training, you must present the original receipt summoning you to training.
iii. The documents filed will be returned once the liquidation has been made.
iv. The technical assessment of the fire department is valid for one year following the inspection visit.
v. Only one visit is carried out per establishment. If another visit is required, this procedure must be carried out again.

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