Creation of company

Will the CCB enterprise services help me make the decision to create a new company?

We have services designed to support you during all the stages for the creation of your company.  Furthermore, we will help you identify your strengths and opportunities for improvement, and will provide you with the tools to become a good entrepreneur.  To participate in these services, visit  "Creating a company" and click on "Assess your project" (Enterprise Self-Diagnosis). If you are a new user, register typing in the required personal information; once the registration has been completed, you will be able to access the assessment or Enterprise Diagnosis; follow the instructions on the portal and remember that you must fill out the creation assessment (creation diagnosis).

For additional information review the step-by-step guides on how to best use the services the CCB has made available to help you in your creation process, clicking here.

You can also call our customer service line 3830330 / #383, with your questions or doubts.

What services does the CCB offer to help me create a company?

The CCB has information services (tools, studies and research and, in general, commercial or business information), training (capsules, workshops, forums, conferences and seminars) and guidance (general, specialized and specialized consultation). 

Do the enterprise services offered by the CCB have a cost?

Most of our enterprise services are provided free of charge, the cost is borne by the CCB and/or by partners who contribute resources for their design and provision.  Whenever services have a cost associated to them, the CCB offers an economic subsidy to facilitate access. 

What should I do to start my process of creating a company?

Visit  "Creating a company" and click on "Assess your Project" (Enterprise Self-Diagnosis). If you are a new user, register typing in the required personal information; once the registration has been completed, you will be able to access the assessment or Enterprise Diagnosis; follow the instructions on the portal and remember that you must fill out the creation assessment (creation diagnosis).

For additional information review the step-by-step guides on how to best use the services the CCB has made available to help you in your creation process, clicking here .

You can also call our customer service line 3830330 / #383, with your questions or doubts.

Also, we invite you to review the steps required to create your company at under the "Create your Company" option, "Steps to create your company".  There you will find all the steps that must be followed when creating your company, taking you from the business idea to the formalization of your company.

If I need to identify a business idea, can I find orientation in the CCB's enterprise services?

Through capsules and workshops, the CCB is able to accompany the process to identify and choose your business idea. Visit / "Creating a company" and click on "Assess your Project" (Enterprise Self-Diagnosis). If you are a new user, register typing in the required personal information; once the registration has been completed, you will be able to access the assessment or Enterprise Diagnosis; follow the instructions on the portal and remember that you must fill out the creation assessment (creation diagnosis).

For additional information review the step-by-step guides on how to best use the services the CCB has made available to help you in your creation process, clicking here.

You can also call our customer service line 3830330 / #383, with your questions or doubts.

How do I register a trademark? Does the CCB do the paperwork?

The paperwork for trademark registration must be filed with the Superintendency of Societies and Commerce; the chambers of commerce do not have authority in this regard.

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